Appendix A

Make It York Contract Renewal – Key Deliverables

Economic Development


a)        Sector Development  – Coordinate dedicated networks for key sectors of the economy; establish, implement and maintain sector development plans for each sector;  

b)        Inward Investment –Bring new investors to York, creating new employment in our target sectors; develop, implement and maintain our inward investment strategy; work with the developers of key sites to secure new investors and occupiers

c)         Business Support – Deliver York’s Growth Hub; develop, fund and implement a new startup support offer, providing help to new businesses across the city and increasing our startup rate; network the full business support offer in York, especially private sector providers and membership organisations, to maximise the uptake of help and advice by our business community; keep in regular contact with businesses in York, expanding the reach of existing networks.




Strategy                                                                                                                Delivery

Contributing to Economic Strategy and Skills Plan through Board, Staff and sector networks


Supporting broad private sector involvement in the new city-wide Economic Partnership

Supporting sector networks to develop sector development plans


Coordinating sector networks

Contributing to the Inward Investment Plan



Identifying potential investors through targeted outreach, as defined in the Inward Investment Strategy.



Working with potential investors to establish the parameters around their projects (e.g. sites, planning, transport, specific skills needs) and developing the business case



Developing and hosting the Inward Investment portal and a range of investment prospectuses



Supporting potential investors to access incentives from LEP and national government



Welcoming investors to the city and helping them to become part of the ecosystem



Delivery of Growth Hub arrangements, including contributing the required match funding



Coordinating and communicating business support to public and private sector organisations



Regular communication with as many businesses in York as is possible



Strategy                                                                                                                Delivery

Economic Strategy


Coordination and secretariat of Economic Partnership

Economic Partnership


Coordination with UK Government Inward Investment functions

Skills Plan and Skills Board


Working with potential investors to establish the parameters around their project (sites, planning, transport, specific skills needs, etc) developing their business cases

Developing the case and funding for a coherent city-wide startup offer


Developing and hosting the Inward Investment portal and a range of investment prospectuses

Setting the Inward Investment Strategy


Supporting potential investors to access incentives from LEP and national government

Strategic input on business support to LEPs and beyond


Working with potential investors to facilitate appropriate engagement with relevant key Council officers and Members

Local Plan and Local Transport Plan


Bids to LEP for funding

City Centre

Key Deliverables:

a)        Outdoor Markets  – Day-to-day management of the Shambles Market; operation of the Market Charter on behalf of the city; in consultation with CYC, development of new Outdoor Markets strategy; supporting new retailers to trade  

b)        City Centre vibrancy – Contributing expertise, ideas and experiences to the MyCityCentre project which will set the city centre strategy; keeping the city centre relevant and enticing by curating a programme of public events in the footstreets; working with city centre landlords, including those distant from York, to ensure they are invested in the city 

c)         Commercial events – Running commercial events such as the Xmas market in a safe and sustainable manner, to generate surplus for investment in the economy



Strategy                                                                                                                Delivery

Development of a new Outdoor Markets strategy


Day-to-day management of Shambles Market

Supporting the MyCityCentre engagement and subsequent strategy development


Coordination of Market Traders Forum



Operation of the Market Charter on behalf of the city



Curation of city centre events strategy and programme



Engagement with property owners to support their investment in the city centre



Commercial events, run in a safe and sustainable manner, to generate surplus for investment



Consultation with city centre residents on programmes and activities



Strategy                                                                                                                Delivery

MyCityCentre project


Landlord and developer for CYC city centre portfolio



Planning, Environmental Health, Licencing and other regulatory functions



Purple Flag coordination



Visitor Economy / Destination Management Organisation

Key Deliverables:

a)        DMO  –.promotion of York as a tourist destination,; running the Visit York membership scheme; wider city promotion to support inward investment and broader objectives of the City Plan; liaison with LEP, Visit Britain, Welcome to Yorkshire etc to make the most of all available support and contribute to national and regional marketing initiatives

b)        Tourism sector development –.Working with tourism sector businesses to increase their productivity and help them become even better employers; provision of sector intelligence through a monthly dashboard    

c)         Tourism Advisory Board – contributing to the development of a new Tourism Strategy



 Strategy                                                                                                               Delivery

Contributing expertise, evidence and insight to the development of a new Tourism Strategy


Convening a Tourism Advisory Board for the city



Leading on leisure marketing of York, working with Welcome to Yorkshire, national and regional bodies to make the most of York’s offer



Sector intelligence through continued development and  publication of the monthly tourism dashboard



Inclusive growth: working with Tourism businesses to increase productivity and help them become even better employers



City Narrative coordination and promotion, including hosting of the toolkit



 Strategy                                                                                                               Delivery

Tourism Strategy


SLA with Welcome to Yorkshire



Convening the City Heads of Comms network



Refinement of city narrative




Key Deliverables:

a)        Cultural Strategy – Launch and promote the city’s new cultural strategy, develop action and funding plans with defined leadership for each area of activity, put in place new representational / partnership structures for the city to drive implementation of the strategy and develop the city’s cultural offer, engage key stakeholders outside the city such as Arts Council England.  Continuously review, update and report on progress on the strategy.

b)        Events Strategy – Develop a strategy, consistent with the aims of the cultural strategy, that enables the city proactively to identify the events that it wishes to host and attract and also enables us to respond in an informed way when opportunities are brought to us.  The strategy should cover cost/benefit analysis as well as relevant infrastructure issues. 

c)         Unesco designation – Establish stakeholder arrangements to determine priorities for the designation going forward, to be contained in a revised 4 year prospectus. 



 Strategy                                                                                                               Delivery

Work with the sector to maintain, develop and refresh the cultural strategy ensuring its fits with “city strategies including the economic development strategy.


Curate a city centre events programme.

Convene the cultural leaders group as the strategy “owners”, providing the secretariat and driving the agenda by resourcing the partnership and supporting the chair (who will be a cultural leader).


From time to time take a lead in supporting cultural events of strategic significance e.g. Rugby League World Cup.

Produce required sub-strategies, working with the sector e.g. an events strategy for the city.



Take the initiative in building coalitions and partnerships for specific initiatives to fill identified gaps in product e.g. to deliver the York Mystery Plays.



Taking the lead in creating action plans to drive the cultural strategy, convening partnership arrangements and growing supporting sectoral leadership (e.g. the Cultural Wellbeing Partnership).



Provide the day-to-day contact for the Arts Council and other strategic sectoral bodies.



Put together the necessary partnerships to make funding bids to deliver the strategy.





Strategy                                                                                                                Delivery



May from time to time curate civic events (e.g. as was done for the WW1 100 years celebration).

Commissions specific cultural product in the area of Museums, Libraries, Sport, etc. and maintains a direct relationship with relevant providers.


May from time to time decide to get involved in more major events, e.g. as happened with Tour de Yorkshire.

Speaks for the council within the cultural leaders group and the cultural strategy process



“Adopts” the cultural strategy on behalf of the city (in part ceremonial / in part committing the council to the strategy).